Hold Off Traffic and Mowing
Any pressure on newly sodded grass can make micro tears in the forming roots which delays development. Try to keep foot traffic at a minimum for at least 4 weeks. By week three if you have a fast growing variety of sod it will look like an established lawn however these looks are deceiving. Hold off on mowing as long as possible and at least until the uniform blade length reaches 3 1/2 inches. In addition to not disturbing the roots with foot and mower traffic, tall blade grass uses less water, keeps down weeds and develops deeper roots to protect from drought. When you begin to mow only remove 1/3 of the blade length at each mowing to reduce stress. Lower you blade with each successive mow until you reach the desired blade length.
How to Mow Wet Grass
If you want a great lawn, you have to take care of your yard all year around. This means that you may have to provide some essential lawn care in less than ideal situations, such as when your grass is wet. Here are some suggestions on how you can mow wet grass and keep your lawn in pristine shape.
Avoid Using An Electric Mower
It goes without saying, but using an electric lawn mower on wet grass could cause an electric shock risk. This is especially true when the wiring is worn out, when you’re using an extension cord, or when there is damage to the cord that could cause damage to your mower and lead to electrocution.
Check The Ground First
Before you mow on wet grass make sure you check the soil first. If your feet are sinking into the ground you’ll need to wait for the ground to soak up the water. Mowing your grass when the dirt is too wet will only lead to damage to the mower and/or you.
Clean After You Mow
Grass clippings clamp to your mower deck more easily when the ground is damp. This in turn can lead to a soggy layer of damp clippings that can turn into mold in your mower. To prevent this, regularly clean your mower and clean out the deck using the washout port. Also, clean the mower’s tires with a wire brush and wipe down the mower to remove any wet clippings.
Keep Your Blades Sharp
It’s important to keep your mower blades sharp to ensure an even and clean cut. This is especially true when mowing wet grass due to how dull blades tend to shred grass instead of cutting it. Keep in mind that mowing wet lawn will often require multiple passes to ensure that it gets to an adequate length.
Mow More Often
Grass that grows in cool season areas can be kept at a height around 3 to 4 inches. But, you don’t want it to get too long because mowing long wet grass can prove difficult. If you’re cutting grass every 7 days, reduce that time to 5 days during the rain season to ensure that your grass is not too tall.
Wait Until Your Grass Is Dry
Mowing your grass is best done when it’s dry. This will ensure that you’re able to keep your balance and avoid any injury that can result from pushing a mower on a wet surface. Your mower will also last longer if you avoid using it in wet conditions as a result of the added strain that wet grass clippings have on
your motor.
A Maintained Lawn Is A Healthy Lawn
Keeping your lawn maintained is important to ensure that it looks its best at all times. By following the suggestions mentioned above you can ensure that your lawn will look its best, even if it’s wet.